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Feature Shoot :: Amevia Adhila Putri

A couple of days back, We had the opportunity to shoot a beautiful model by the name of Amevia Adhila Putri for our Feature Shoot segment. Well, that first set We posted definitely got a lot of attention and people asking to see more photos of her. Figured it was time to showcase another set ,and what better place than to do it here where it all started. Check out her interview below, and enjoy some pics with the beautiful Amevia.

Okay, Amevia, let’s get started with your age?

Bagaimana dengan etnis / garis keturunan mu?
Jawa tulen lol. My dad from Jogja, My mom from Blitar.

Good mix. Where were you born?

Dimana kamu tinggal sekarang?

Can you give us some of your likes in life?
I love everything about fashion and beauty and music.

Nice. Bagaimana dengan hal yang tidak disukai?
Makanan terlalu pedes I think haha

Apa cita-cita mu saat bertambah dewasa nanti?
Business owner yg udh auto pilot. Yg belum tercapai di profesi sih itu.

Interesting. Do you have any influences?
My mom and my grandma are my biggest inspirations. Tapi untuk public figure aku suka Emily Ratajowksi. I adore her beauty, her personality, her taste, and her itelligence. How she always talking about women's empowerment,etc.

Good choices to be influenced by. Apa kamu punya makanan favorit?
Sop bening + tempe goreng + sambel dan nasi panas. Beuhh.

Solid list. Do you have a favorite place you have traveled to?
Lombok and Bali has always been my comfort zone

Now name a place you want to visit before you die.
Japan and Italy.

Good answer. What is your current employment?
Freelance model, social media content creator, and I own a fashion line business.

Cool. Do you have a favorite type of music?
Yes. Alternative, RnB and Techno music

Variety is always nice. Hal teraneh apa yang pernah terjadi di hidup mu?
Tanggal ulang tahun sama, sama pacar.

Apa yang kamu sukai dari dunia modeling?
Ketemu banyak orang dari industri yg sama, dapet belajar hal baru, bisa membagikan hal baru untuk orang lain juga.

That is awesome to hear. Are you ever without tan lines?
Yup. Currently i have no tan lines. I need to go to Bali asap.

Apa cerita di balik sepatumu dari set hari ini?
Aku pake pertama kali waktu ngedate with my boyfriend untuk pertama kalinya lol.

Any last words?
Dalam hal apapun itu. Mulai aja dulu, nanti kita bakal belajar dari pengalaman.